The Lockwood Club developed in the 1990s as clinical meetings in East Anglia. The meetings were hosted on a rotating basis by Dr Martin Lockwood in Cambridge, Professor David GI Scott in Norwich and Dr Richard Watts in Ipswich. The first meeting was held in 1995. Each meeting was devoted to case reports around a specific theme, followed by an invited speaker and a dinner.
Two national meetings on ‘Aims of Therapy’ were organized in 1999 and 2004. The first in 1999 was marred by the tragic death of Martin Lockwood immediately prior to the meeting but it was still held.
Following the return of Dr David Jayne to Addenbrooke’s the club was revived and named the ‘Lockwood Club’ in memory of Martin.
Since then the club has grown in size and scope and is now UKIVAS, The Vasculitis Rare Disease Group of UK and Ireland. Successful meetings have been held in Oxford, London, Manchester and most recently in Cardiff.
The meetings are always open to those interested in Vasculitis care and research. Those interested in attending future meetings should contact: Rare Renal – Rare Disease Group