Vasculitis UK is a member of UKIVAS (the UK & Ireland Vasculitis Study Group) that has held two very valuable webinars for medical professionals. We have notes available describing the first webinar (Nov 20) and second webinar (Nov 21).
The MedicineMatters website is offering a 13-minute video of a discussion between Prof David Jayne of Cambridge University and Prof Sebastian E. Sattui of the University of Pittsburgh, looking at how to address the challenges that Covid 19 poses for rituximab-treated patients.
Primary Systemic Vasculitis is a rare disease. The different types of systemic vasculitis are rare and variable in presentation, not easy to recognise, difficult to diagnose and frequently difficult to treat.
Delayed diagnosis may result in death or disability. This website offers quick and easy access to reliable clinical information for busy clinicians.
This website is intended primarily to inform, advise, help and support those suffering from vasculitis. Therefore, much of the clinical content is written in language that lay people can understand.
However we recognise that many clinicians can have only limited exposure to and experience of vasculitic disease. So there is also a wealth of reliable clinical information here about vasculitis in general, with details of clinical signs and symptoms of specific types of vasculitis, diagnostic tools and treatment guidelines.
This was produced by Vasculitis UK as part of a project funded by the Department of Health in conjunction with Genetic Alliance UK. This was co-edited by Dr Matthew Morgan, Consultant Nephrologist and Dr Lorraine Harper, Professor of Nephrology at Birmingham University Hospital. There are contributions by Dr David Jayne of Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge and Dr Richard Watts, Consultant Rheumatologist, Ipswich Hospital.
Additional material has been provided by: Dr Nicola Ambrose, Dr Paul Brogan, Dr Catherine Guly, Prof Dorian Haskard, Dr Marcos Martinez Del Pero and Prof Justin Mason.
Listed are the most relevant papers on vasculitis diagnosis and treatment, with both lay and professional summaries of the content of each, for rapid and easy access. There are also details of some very rare types of vasculitis that are not readily found in textbooks.