Here are a number of vasculitis related videos and podcasts.

Some videos are lectures etc given by medical professionals, some are of general interest and wellbeing, and others are relating to individual vasculitis patients.

Patient perspective of their experience of living with ANCA Vasculitis

Vasculitis UK have been working on a project in collaboration with Vifor Pharma of Zurich to show the patient prospective of their experience of living with ANCA Vasculitis. This has involved a specialist team and a camera crew to make interviews with several Vasculitis UK members who volunteered to help in the project.  There is a dedicated website that shows the results.

Remembering Clare Grossman with Team Clare

Two videos showing why Team Clare are running and raising money for Vasculitis UK in memory of Clare.

Vasculitis Awareness Video 2018

Rare Disease Day Awareness Video for 2016

Rare disease day: My experience with GPA

Psychological aspects of vasculitis

Psychological aspects

Slide presentation given by Dr Maria Fraser, Liverpool University Hospital at the Merseyside, Cheshire and North Wales Vasculitis Support Group meeting in November 2014. The final slide contains details of a number of relevant references.

Vascular rheumatology: a journey from East Acton to East Asia

Prof Justin Mason’s inaugural lecture at Imperial College London at the end of September 2014.

ANCA Vasculitis explained

J Charles Jennette MD

This Podcast has been prepared by the UNC Kidney Centre in the USA and is narrated by J Charles Jennette MD (Kenneth M. Brinkhous Distinguished Professor and Chair, Chief of Service of UNC Hospitals Clinical Laboratories) and by vasculitis patient Dianne Shaw. The Podcast covers “What is it?” “What causes it?” and “What does it look like on biopsies”. The Podcast is about 29 minutes long.

Slide presentations at the Vasculitis Awareness Ireland Conference – October 2013

VAI logo

Slide presentations from the VAI Conference. Dr Lisa Willcocks, Consultant in Nephrology and Vasculitis, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge – “Tell me more about Vasculitis” and Vickie Fourie, Social Work Team, Renal – “Living a healthy life with chronic illness”

Wellbeing Podcasts from the Mental Health Foundation

These free audio podcasts can help you relax and improve your sense of wellbeing.

They’re designed to fit around your lifestyle and provide an introduction to the skills and techniques that can help you live a mentally healthier life.

Immunisations and the Immunocompromised Patient

UNC Kidney Centre Director Dr Ron Falk is joined by Dr. David Weber, Professor of Medicine and Paediatrics, School of Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Public Health at UNC. In this recording Drs Falk and Weber discuss immunisations and the recommendations for patients whose immune systems are compromised. Dr Falk poses questions for Dr Weber that are frequently asked by patients, and discussions include general recommendations as well as specific recommendations for the flu shot, DPT, pneumonia, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A and HPV vaccine.

Immunisation and Immunocompromised Patient