2020 Vasculitis Research Grants

In Previous News by John Geddes

Vasculitis UK periodically runs a call for research proposals. The last call, for which the Trustees of Vasculitis UK have allocated £150,000, ended on 31st January 2020.

There were 11 applicants: some were very technical and scientific and some were more patient focused. Our Awards Administrator, Laura Whitty is currently looking for suitable people to peer review the applications – as each application requires two independent reviewers, this can be a difficult and long process, especially as many of the applications have several co-applicants who are automatically disqualified as reviewers. The academic Vasculitis world is quite small but we are hopeful we will find 22 reviewers from the UK and Europe.

Once the applications have been peer reviewed the VUK Scientific Advisory Board will meet in late May or June to make their recommendations to the VUK trustees.