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Ramadan Autoimmune Health Survey 

In Previous News by John Geddes

A doctor and student are trying to find out more about the impact of fasting in Ramadan on the health of patients with vasculitis and other similar autoimmune diseases. The survey is specifically aimed at people with vasculitis and other autoimmune diseases who fast during the month of Ramadan because they are Muslim. If this does not apply to you, please ignore the survey.

During Ramadan, many Muslim patients with diseases like vasculitis face choices about what to do to with their medications – take them as normal, take them only while not fasting etc. There is very little information available about how people make these choices and how they feel their health may be impacted by them.

The brief, anonymous on-line survey is designed to find out more about these issues, and the researchers would like as many people as possible to answer.

Follow this link to the Ramadan Autoimmune Health Survey

The study team is Anisur Rahman, Professor of Rheumatology and Eeesa Attan, BSc Student – both at University College London.