UKIVAS is the acronym for the UK and Ireland Vasculitis Rare Disease Group. This had its early origins in the “Lockwood Club” which was a pioneering vasculitis study group established in 1995 by Dr Martin Lockwood, Dr David GI Scott, and Dr Richards Watts. Martin Lockwood was instrumental in the formation of the Stuart Strange Vasculitis Trust, which subsequently became Vasculitis UK.
About the UKIVAS Rare Disease Group and the Lockwood Club
The Vasculitis Rare Disease Group evolved from UKIVAS, a steering group set up to develop the national Vasculitis registry.
Our aims are:
- to create a database of Vasculitis patients in the British Isles
- to build-up longitudinal clinical data to create a picture of the patient’s clinical course
- to link the clinical information to biological samples
This will enable large-scale genetics and epidemiology studies, identify cohorts of patients to recruit for clinical trials and biomarker studies, allow multi-centre audit of novel biological therapies and inform logical service delivery.
There are currently 76 UK and Ireland sites involved in enrolling patients in the UKIVAS database.
Full details about the Vasculitis Registry or visit: Rare Renal – Rare Disease Group